Yuna AI

Yuna AI is a mental health coaching app designed to provide support and guidance during unexpected life moments. It offers 24/7 availability, delivering calming techniques and emotional clarity when needed. Users can ease anxiety, transform their thinking, and join a thriving community of five-star ratings for effectiveness and affordability. Yuna prioritizes privacy and confidentiality, with data never sold or viewed. It offers research-driven conversations and assists in monitoring emotions, connecting users with healthcare professionals when necessary. Real-time safety monitoring ensures immediate support for heightened emotions or trauma indicators. Testimonials praise Yuna for compassionate support and transformative experiences, with users finding comfort and new beginnings post-breakup. Yuna utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy patterns to aid personal growth and boost self-confidence. It is available for a monthly fee of $19.99 or an annual subscription of $199, making personal growth accessible for all. Ready to start your mental health journey? Download Yuna on the iOS App Store today.

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